Comprehensive And Detailed Monitoring With Pit Multisensor
Powitec's PiT Indicator is a sophisticated tool for an online analysis of process conditions at rotary kilns for clinker production. The PiT Indicator enables the operator to immediately identify and react to changing process conditions in order to stabilise and smoothen the production, also in dusty or dark kiln atmospheres. Main target of the PiT Indicator is to balance optimal clinker quality at various fuel mixtures. With Powitec's PiT Indicator the operator is able to adjust the actually required fuel consumption.The PiT Indicator comprises two modules for process visualisation and online analysis:
Thermography module: The thermography reflects the temperature distribution in the bed flow field, including various special features like the 'Polyline'. Analogue outputs of temperatures can be usedas pyrometer signals
Prediction module (soft sensor): The prediction module offers the kiln operator a permanent online prediction of key parameters (e.g. free lime content, litre weight of clinker or NOX emission)